Monday, March 16, 2015

Immigrants Have Fascinating Powers!

"And so where are these tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands – in fact millions – of migrant heroes?  IOM wants to find them and pay homage to them, for without migrants, the wheels would stop turning". (By Niurka Pineiro, IOM, Washington). 

Read more:   "Immigrants have fascinating powers..."

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Let's stop human trafficking!!

The International Organization for Migration develops programs for human trafficking prevention, protection of victims (survivors) and general information for the correct understanding of global migration. 
Human trafficking is a "business opportunity" caused by two essential ingredients: One of them is the extreme poverty, social violence, or other conditions that make life impossible for the human being in his or her country of origin; the second ingredient consist in the restrictive laws that close the borders to the free exercise of the right to migrate. 
This situation forces the migrants to seek alternative routes of escape, taking the risk of being captured by criminal groups for which they are a simple commodity offered in the market of prostitution, illegal organ trafficking, drug trafficking and organized crime groups. 

Read More: Counter-trafficking.